"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query failed in target description"); while($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $orgName = $line[0]; $orgFullName = $orgName; $secWord = trim(strstr($orgName, ' ')); $geneGi = $line[1]; $globalId = $geneGi; $localId = $line[2]; return substr($orgName,0,1).substr($secWord,0,1)."-".$geneGi; // return $orgName."-".$geneGi; } } function dispTargetDescription($targetId) { /* $desp = getDescription($targetId, $rosieId, $Gi, $orgName); echo "

Target Status for ".$rosieId. "

"; echo "GI = ".$Gi. ", From: " . $orgName. "

\n"; */ $targetID = $targetId+0; $geneID = targetBaseID($targetID); $gi = geneGI($geneID); $organism = organismName(geneOrganism($geneID)); $rosie = targetRosie($targetID); echo ("

You are updating target $rosie.

"); echo ("This target is gi number $gi from $organism.

\n"); echo ("Click "); openTargetInfoLink($targetID); echo ("here for more info on $rosie.


\n"); } function &getCurrentStatus($targetId) # return the whole array { $query = "SELECT * FROM target_status WHERE targetid = ".$targetId; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Fail in getCurrentStatus"); while($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { return $line; } } // Check if $updateId is in the detal_cancel table, if is, return TRUE // otherwise return 0; function isCanceled($updateId) { $bRet = 0; // false; $query = "SELECT result FROM detail_cancel WHERE result = ".$updateId; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Fail in query detail_cancel"); while($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($line[0]>0) { $bRet = 1; break; } } return $bRet; } // return the latest uncanceled ID of table target_update2. function getLatestUpdateId($TID, $AID) { $iRet = 0; // did not find; $query = "SELECT id FROM target_update2 WHERE target_id = $TID"; $query .= " AND action_id = $AID ORDER BY edit_datetime DESC"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Fail in get Id of target_update2."); while($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($line[0]>0 && !isCanceled($line[0])) { $iRet = $line[0]; break; } } return $iRet; } function getActionId($actName, &$detailTable) { $table = "action2"; $query = "SELECT id, table_name FROM $table WHERE name='$actName'"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query failed in $table.\n"); $iActId =0; $detailTable = ''; while ($object = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $iActId =$object->id; $detailTable = $object->table_name; break; } return $iActId; } function getActionName($AID, &$detailTable, &$dispName) { $table = "action2"; $query = "SELECT name, table_name, display_name FROM $table WHERE id=$AID"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query failed in $table.\n"); $actName =''; $detailTable = ""; $dispName =""; while ($object = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $actName =$object->name; $detailTable = $object->table_name; $dispName= $object->display_name; break; } return $actName; } // return 2 array of action name and action display name: from selected to workstopped function getActionDispNames(&$aName, &$aDispName) { $table = "action2"; $query = "SELECT name, display_name FROM $table WHERE id>=2 AND id <=18"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query failed in $table.\n"); $aName = array(); $aDispName =array(); $iRet =0; while ($object = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { array_push($aName, $object->name); array_push($aDispName, $object->display_name); $iRet++; } return $iRet; } function getStatusCount($actName, $option =1) { // $option 0: all targets; 1:length(name)>=1; 2:S 3:I, etc. $table = "target_status"; if (0== $option) $stmWhere = ""; else if (2 == $option) $stmWhere = "WHERE soluble = 'S'"; else if (3 == $option) $stmWhere = "WHERE soluble = 'I'"; else $stmWhere ="WHERE LENGTH($actName)>0"; // the default $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM $table $stmWhere"; // echo $query; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query failed in function getStatusCount and table: $table.\n"); $iRet =0; while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $iRet = $line[0]; break; } return $iRet; } function getStatusSum(&$aDispName, &$aCount) { $iNumStatus = getActionDispNames($aName, $aDisp); $aDispName = array(); $aCount = array(); for ($i =0; $i<$iNumStatus; $i++) { $actName = $aName[$i]; $dispName = $aDisp[$i]; array_push($aDispName, $dispName); if (0 == strcasecmp($actName, "Soluble")) { array_push($aCount, getStatusCount($actName, 1)); // total array_push($aDispName, "  ".$dispName." (Soluble)"); array_push($aCount, getStatusCount($actName, 2)); $inSol = "  ".$dispName." (Insoluble)"; array_push($aDispName, $inSol); array_push($aCount, getStatusCount($actName, 3)); } else if (0 == strcasecmp($actName, "Selected")) array_push($aCount, getStatusCount($actName, 0)); else array_push($aCount, getStatusCount($actName,1)); } return $iNumStatus+2; } function getTableHeader($tableName, $link) { $fields = mysql_list_fields("bsgc", $tableName, $link); $iNumColumns = mysql_num_fields($fields); $aFldName = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $iNumColumns; $i++) { array_push($aFldName, mysql_field_name($fields, $i)); } return $aFldName; } function getSelectionDate($TID) { $query = "SELECT selected_date FROM target WHERE id=$TID"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query fail in target.\n"); $dtRet ='0000-00-00'; while ($object = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $dtRet = $object->selected_date; break; } return $dtRet; } function getUidFromName($loginName) { $query = "SELECT id FROM user WHERE name='$loginName'"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query fail in User.\n"); $iRet =0; while ($object = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $iRet = $object->id; break; } return $iRet; } function insertSelction2Update($TID, $upTable) { $dateSelect = getSelectionDate($TID); $UID = getUidFromName("jmc"); //4; // jmc only may need further work $detTmp = ''; $AID = getActionId("selected", $detTmp); $upInsert = "INSERT INTO $upTable SET target_id =$TID, user_id=$UID,exp_date='$dateSelect',"; $upInsert.= "edit_datetime='$dateSelect', action_id=$AID"; // echo $upInsert; $result = mysql_query ($upInsert) or die ("Insert selection failed in $upTable.\n"); } function getDetailRes($JID, $dtTable) { $query = "SELECT result FROM $dtTable WHERE tupdate_id=$JID"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query fail Function: getDetailRes, Table: $dtTable\n"); $Ret =""; while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $Ret = "$line[0]"; break; } return $Ret; } function getTargetResult($journalTable, $TID, &$aUserName, &$aAction, &$aValue, &$aExpDate, &$aEditDate, &$aDispName) { $iRet =0; $aUserName = array(); $aAction = array(); $aValue = array(); $aExpDate = array(); $aEditDate = array(); $aDispName = array(); $query = "SELECT id,user_id,action_id,exp_date,DATE_FORMAT(edit_datetime,'%Y-%m-%d')"; $query.= " FROM $journalTable WHERE target_id= $TID ORDER BY action_id,edit_datetime DESC"; $result2 = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query failed get results from $journalTable.\n"); $prevAID=0; $JID = $AID =$UID = 0; $expDate=''; $editDate=''; while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $JID = $line[0]; $AID = $line[2]; if (isCanceled($JID) || 1 == $AID || $prevAID == $AID) // cancel record or a cancelled record continue; $UID = $line[1]; $res = mysql_query ("SELECT name FROM user WHERE id=$UID") or die ("Query failed in user.\n"); if ($line2 = mysql_fetch_array($res)) $userName = $line2[0]; $expDate =$line[3]; $editDate = $line[4]; $actName = getActionName($AID, $dtTable, $dispName); $tmpValue = ""; if ($AID>=2) { if (strlen($dtTable)>0) $tmpValue = getDetailRes($JID, $dtTable); else $tmpValue ="X"; } array_push($aUserName, $userName); array_push($aAction, $actName); array_push($aValue, $tmpValue); array_push($aExpDate, $expDate); array_push($aEditDate,$editDate); array_push($aDispName,$dispName); $iRet++; $prevAID = $AID; } // end of parse this TID return $iRet; } function dispTargetResult($TID) { $iNumRes = getTargetResult("target_update2", $TID, $aUserName, $aAction, $aValue, $aExpDate, $aEditDate, $aDispName); if ($iNumRes<1) return; $tda = ""; $tdb = ""; echo ("\n"); echo ""; for ($i =0; $i<$iNumRes; $i++) { $dispVal = $aValue[$i]; if (0== strcasecmp("X", $aValue[$i])) $dispVal = "Done"; echo "$tdb$aDispName[$i]$tda$dispVal$tda$aUserName[$i]$tda$aExpDate[$i]"; } echo "
ExperimentResultUserExperiment Date
"; } // return the latest actionID in action2 and its values. function getLatestActId($TID, &$value) { $journalTable = "target_update2"; $iRet =0; $value = ""; $query = "SELECT id,user_id,action_id,exp_date,DATE_FORMAT(edit_datetime,'%Y-%m-%d')"; $query.= " FROM $journalTable WHERE target_id= $TID ORDER BY action_id DESC,edit_datetime DESC"; $result2 = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query failed to get results from $journalTable.\n"); $JID = $AID = 0; while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $JID = $line[0]; $AID = $line[2]; if (isCanceled($JID) || 1 == $AID) // cancel record or a cancelled record continue; $actName = getActionName($AID, $dtTable, $dispName); $tmpValue = ""; if ($AID>=2) { if (strlen($dtTable)>0) $tmpValue = getDetailRes($JID, $dtTable); else $tmpValue ="X"; } $value = $tmpValue; $iRet= $AID; break; } // end of parse this TID return $iRet; } ?> Target Info
Berkeley Structural Genomics Center